Thank you for your interest in the accounting and tax services of Express Consult MS Blagoevgrad.
You would like to learn more about how we can improve you business performance? Or your business needs an individual accounting solution? So do not hesitate to contact us. Our team has always an open ear for you!
We look forward to hearing from you!
Express Consult MS Ltd.
CEO Mrs. Petka Bozhinova
ul. Ilarion Makariopolski 10
2700 Blagoevgrad
Customer Service in Greek
+359 (0) 882 475 878
Office +359 (0)73 83 31 03
Счетоводна кантора Eкспрес Консулт МС EООД
ул. Иларион Макариополски 10 | 2700 Благоевград
Тел.: 073 83 31 03
Accountancy company Express Consult MS Ltd.
ul. Ilarion Makariopolski 10 | 2700 Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Теl.: +359 (0)73 83 31 03