Accounting company Express Consult MS has an extensive accounting experience in various industries. Our customers come from different industries and sectors: Logistics, Wholesale, Production, Engineering, Real Estate et al. We attach great importance on building long-term client relationships based on mutual trust and respect.
Palmgas Ltd., Greece
Ani commerz Ltd., Macedonia
Greifer Sped Ltd., Macedonia
Schneider Ltd., Germany
Рila Tex Ltd., Germany/ Greece
Embroidery - Avraam Lazaridis Ltd., Greece
Marfil Texile Ltd., Greece
Biznes partniori Ltd., Bulgaria
Blagoevgradski imoti Ltd., Bulgaria
StuArt Ltd./ TV Darts, Bulgaria
"Since 2007 our company's accounting has been entrusted to Express Consult MS. The expertise of the team and the high quality service save me time and give me safety so I can focus on the development of my business. Thank you for the the trustful cooperation all the years!"
Odyssey Kesidis,
Marfil Textile Ltd.
BK Distribution Ltd., Bulgaria
Strandzhovi Ltd., Bulgaria
Bilyana Papadopolo Ltd., Greece
Greek Taste Ltd., Greece
Klin Omon Ltd., Bulgaria
Ivon 2000 Ltd., Bulgaria
Bobi Tex Ltd., Bulgaria
Счетоводна кантора Eкспрес Консулт МС EООД
ул. Иларион Макариополски 10 | 2700 Благоевград
Тел.: 073 83 31 03
Accountancy company Express Consult MS Ltd.
ul. Ilarion Makariopolski 10 | 2700 Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Теl.: +359 (0)73 83 31 03